Hi Charlie,
definitely cool and interesting.


On 04/28/2015 10:20 AM, Charlie Hull wrote:
On 27/04/2015 21:41, Andrea Gazzarini wrote:
Hi guys,
I'd like to share with you a project (actually a hobby for me) where I'm
spending my free time, maybe someone could get some idea or benefit from it.


I called it SolRDF (Solr + RDF): It is a set of Solr extensions for
managing (indexing and querying) RDF data.

As a first step I wrote a set of classes for injecting Apache Jena RDF
cababilities in Solr.

Hi Andrea,

Interesting...we've been working with Jena and SPARQL queries as part of our BioSolr project: we presented on this in London last week (includes links to slides and code): http://www.flax.co.uk/blog/2015/04/24/lucenesolr-london-meetup-biosolr-and-query-deep-dive/



That allows to

- index RDF data using one of the standard formats (n-triples, rdf+xml,
    - query those data using SPARQL, the RDF query language

Trying all of that is just a matter of two minutes, as illustrated in this
post [1]. Follow those five steps and Solr will quickly act as a fully
compliant SPARQL 1.1 endpoint.

On top of that, I'm going further with the development of what I called
"Hybrid mode", where Solr capabilities, like faceting, can be applied to an RDF Dataset queried using SPARQL. You can read more about this in this post
[2] or in the project Wiki [3]. Two kinds of facets (object and range
object faceting) are already working and available in the master; I'd like
to integrate pivot and interval facets, too.

As I said this is just an amusement for me (and a great chance to explore how Solr works behind the scenes) so I'm gradually and slowly going ahead,
making available only "stable" features.

Any feedback / idea / comment / question is warmly welcome ;)





[3] https://github.com/agazzarini/SolRDF/wiki/Faceted%20search

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