
we are trying to implement a custom QParserPlugin following this tutorial: 
http://spykem.blogspot.de/2013/06/plug-in-external-score-to-solr.html. We are using SOLR with VuFind. The 
implementation is done, the jar is located at vufind/solr/lib/ where other jars seem to be located. Then 
we added this snippet <queryparser class="ower.impl.MyQParserPlugin" 
name="myparser" /> to vufind/solr/biblio/conf/sorconfig.xml.

The SOLR admin console displays:

        <lst name="error">
          <str name="msg">Unknown query parser 'myparser'</str>
          <int name="code">400</int>

after requesting {!myparser}ower_field:1234567.

What are we doing wrong?

Any help, tips, etc. will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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