about <1>. This shouldn't be happening, so I wouldn't concentrate
there first. The most common reason is that you have a short Zookeeper
timeout and the replicas go into a stop-the-world garbage collection
that exceeds the timeout. So the first thing to do is to see if that's
happening. Here are a couple of good places to start:


<2> Partial answer is that ZK does a keep-alive type thing and if the
solr nodes it knows about don't reply, it marks the nodes as down.


On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 5:42 AM, Sai Sreenivas K <sa...@myntra.com> wrote:
> Could you clarify on the following questions,
> 1. Is there a way to avoid all the nodes simultaneously getting into
> recovery state when a bulk indexing happens ? Is there an api to disable
> replication on one node for a while ?
> 2. We recently changed the host name on nodes in solr.xml. But the old host
> entries still exist in the clusterstate.json marked as active state. Though
> live_nodes has the correct information. Who updates clusterstate.json if
> the node goes down in an ungraceful fashion without notifying its down
> state ?
> Thanks,
> Sai Sreenivas K

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