Toke thanks for a quick reply. I am still confused, pls find the doubts I
have inline:

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 1:22 PM Toke Eskildsen <>

> On Mon, 2015-05-11 at 05:48 +0000, Abhishek Gupta wrote:
> > According to this there are 137 records. Now I am faceting over these 137
> > records with facet.method=fc. Ideally it should just iterate over these
> 137
> > records and sub up the facets.
> That is only the ideal method if you are not planning on issuing
> subsequent calls: facet.method=fc does more work up front to ensure that
> later calls are fast.

> > http://localhost:9020/search/p1-umShard-1/select?q=*:*&;
> > fq=(msgType:38+AND+snCreatedTime:[2015-04-15T00:00:00Z%20TO%20*])&
> > facet.field=conversationId&facet=true&indent=on&wt=json&rows=0&
> > facet.method=fc&debug=timing
> > {
> >
> >    - responseHeader:
> >    {
> >       - status: 0,
> >       - QTime: 395103
> >       },
> [...]
> > According to this faceting is taking 395036 time. Why its taking *395
> > seconds* to just calculate facets of 137 records?
> 6½ minute is a long time, even for first call. Do you have tens to
> hundreds of millions of documents in your index? Or do you have a
> similiar amount of unique values in your facet?

Yes we have that many documents (exact count: 522664425), but I am not sure
why that matters because what I understood from documentation
<> is that
*fc* will only work on the documents filtered by filter query and query.
For my query there are only 137 documents for fc to work on and to make
*FieldCache*. But seeing the faceting result it seems that faceting is
being applied on all the documents which is not according to
documentation "*The
facet counts are calculated by iterating over documents that match the
query and summing the terms that appear in each document"*.  I am not able
to understand why fc is calculating facets over all the documents?

Just for your information the cardinality of the field(conversationId) on
which I am faceting is very high but the possible values for this field
matching my query and filter query is about 100 only.

> Either way, subsequent faceting calls should be much faster and a switch
> to DocValues should lower your first-call time significantly.

Also subsequent calls are not fast:
First call time: 297572
Second call time (made with in 2 sec): 249287

Yeah I agree docValues will reduce the time.

> Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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