On 5/13/2015 10:01 PM, Manohar Sripada wrote:
> I have a question on segment creation on disk during indexing.
> In my solrconfig.xml, I have commented maxBufferedDocs and ramBufferSizeMB.
> I am controlling the flushing of data to disk using autoCommit's maxDocs
> and maxTime.
> Here, maxDocs is set to 50000 and will be hit first, so that commit of data
> to disk happens every 50000 docs. So, my question here is will it create a
> new segment when this commit happens?
> In the wiki
> <https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrPerformanceFactors#mergeFactor>, it is
> mentioned that a new segment creation is determined based on
> maxBufferedDocs parameter. As I have commented this parameter, how a new
> segment creation is determined?

In recent Solr versions, the ramBufferSizeMB setting defaults to 100 and
maxBufferedDocs defaults to -1.  A setting of -1 on maxBufferedDocs
means that the number of docs doesn't matter, it will use
ramBufferSizeMB unless a commit happens before the buffer fills up.  A
commit does trigger a segment flush, although if it's a soft commit, the
situation might be more complicated.

Unless the docs are very small, I would expect a 100MB buffer to fill up
before you reach 50000 docs.  It's been a while since I watched index
segments get created, but if I remember correctly, the amount of space
required in the RAM buffer to index documents is more than the size of
the segment that eventually gets flushed to disk.


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