Thanks a bunch for working with me on this. 

I have deleted all records from my index. Stopped solr. Made the schema changes 
as requested. Started solr. Then insert the one test record. Then search. Still 
see the same results. No portal_package is not the unique key, its uri. Which 
is a string field. 

<field name="portal_package" type="text_std" indexed="true" stored="true" 

<fieldType name="text_std" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100"> 
<tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/> 
<filter class="solr.LengthFilterFactory" min="1" max="300" /> 

"documentKind": "test", 
"uri": "test300", 
"id": "test300", 

"responseHeader": { 
"status": 0, 
"QTime": 47, 
"params": { 
"spellcheck": "true", 
"enableElevation": "false", 
"df": "allText", 
"echoParams": "all", 
"spellcheck.maxCollations": "5", 
"spellcheck.dictionary": "andreasAutoComplete", 
"spellcheck.count": "5", 
"spellcheck.collate": "true", 
"spellcheck.onlyMorePopular": "true", 
"rows": "10", 
"indent": "true", 
"_": "1431719989047", 
"debug": "query", 
"wt": "json" 
"response": { 
"numFound": 1, 
"start": 0, 
"docs": [ 
"documentKind": "test", 
"uri": "test300", 
"id": "test300", 
"portal_package": [ 
"_version_": 1501267024421060600, 
"timestamp": "2015-05-15T19:56:43.247Z", 
"language": "en" 
"debug": { 
"QParser": "LuceneQParser" 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Shawn Heisey" <> 
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 3:29:19 PM 
Subject: Re: Problem with solr.LengthFilterFactory 

On 5/15/2015 1:23 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote: 
> Then I looked back at your fieldType definition and noticed that you 
> are only defining an index analyzer. Remove the 'type="index"' part of 
> the analyzer config so it happens at both index and query time, 
> reindex, then try again. 

The reindex may be very important here. I would actually completely 
delete your data directory and restart Solr before reindexing, to be 
sure you don't have old recordsfrom any previous reindexes. 

I think this next part is unlikely, but I'm going to ask it anyway: Is 
the portal_package field your schema uniqueKey? If it is, that might be 
an additional source of problems. Using a solr.Textfield for a 
uniqueKey field causes Solr to behave in unexpected ways. 


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