On Fri, May 22, 2015, at 03:33 PM, Marius Grama wrote:
> I'm new on the Solr project (and Angular as well) and started attaching
> patches to some of the issues from the project to get a better grasp on
> how
> Solr is working.
> I've recently done a minor patch in which I've done modifications on
> Angular pages and after changing some java classes and some html files I
> wanted to check the validity of my changes.
> I checked the validity of my changes by doing :
> $ ant server ;
> $ bin/solr start -e cloud -noprompt
> I was wondering if there's an easy way to start the Solr server directly
> from the IDE (I use IDEA).
> Also could you give me some tips that you think may be useful when
> working on angular related isuses on Solr?

It seems (from your patch SOLR-7555) you are wanting to work on both the
Java and the Javascript code. 

I'm sure others can say more about development environments for messing
with the Java - for now I've restrained myself to the JS code alone.

When you start Solr, it unpacks the war into
solr/server/solr-webapp/webapp. I point my IDE there, edit it all
in-place, and can debug live in the browser from there. Then I have a
simple rsync script that copies changes back to solr/webapp/web from
where I generate patches.

There's not too much more to it than that.

I did review your changes in SOLR-7555 and they seemed very reasonable.
I'm sure there's a lot more you could help with if you are interested.


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