The result that Solr returns is the document, not anything beneath, so
no, you cannot do this.

You could use highlighting, you could parse the output of explains
(&debug.explains.structured=true will help) to identify which field
triggered the match. Alternatively, you could use block joins. Make a
parent doc and each of your colours as child docs, then you could return
which doc matched. You could use the ExpandComponent to retrieve details
of the parent doc (

Dunno if any of that helps.


On Tue, May 26, 2015, at 08:33 AM, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote:
> Dear List,
> In my schema I have a couple multi value fields and I would need to
> retrive
> the index of which one generated a match. For example let's suppose I
> have
> a text field like this with three values:
> MyField:
> [0] Red
> [1] Blue
> [2] Green
> Searching for "Blue" gets me the document, but I would also need the
> index
> (1) in the multi value field. I tried using the highligter but it is a
> bit
> hackish then to calculate the index. Is it possible without resorting to
> highlighting?
> Thanks!
> Rodolfo

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