
I'm using *SOLR 4.4.0* for searching in my project.
Now I am facing a problem of atomic updates in multiple cores.
>From wiki:

curl *http://localhost:8983/solr/update
<http://localhost:8983/solr/update> *-H
'Content-type:application/json' -d '
  "*id*"        : "*TestDoc1*",
  "title"     : {"set":"test1"},
  "revision"  : {"inc":3},
  "publisher" : {"add":"TestPublisher"}
  "id"        : "TestDoc2",
  "publisher" : {"add":"TestPublisher"}

As well as I understand, this means that the document, for example, with id
*TestDoc1*, will be searched for updating *only in one core*.
And if there is no any document with id *TestDoc1*, the document will be
Can I somehow to specify the* list of cores* for searching and then
updating necessary document with specific id?

It's something like *shards *parameter in *select* query.
>From wiki:

#now do a distributed search across both servers with your browser or curl

Or is it planned in the future?

Thanks in advance.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Best regards,
Batalova Kseniya

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