
I have a set of document IDs from one core and i want to query another core
using the ids retrieved from the first core...the constraint is that the
size of doc ID set can be very large. I want to:

1) retrieve these docs from the 2nd index
2) facet on the results

I can think of 3 solutions:

1) boolean query
2) terms fq
3) use a DB rather than Solr

I am trying to keep latencies down so prefer to not use (3). The problem
with (1) is maxBooleanclauses is hardwired and I am not sure when I will
hit the exception. Option (2) seems to also hit limits.. so if I do


solr just goes blank. I have tried adding cost=200 to try to run the query
first fq={!terms f=id cost=200} but still no good. Paging on doc IDs could
be a solution but the problem then is that the faceting results correspond
to the paged IDs and not the global set.

My filter cache spec is as follows

  <filterCache class="solr.FastLRUCache"

What would be the best way for me to solve this problem?

thank you

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