Not to my knowledge. In Solr terms this would be a _very_ heavyweight
operation, potentially re-indexing millions and millions of documents.
Imagine if your q were id:* for instance. Plus routing that to all
shards and dealing with other updates coming in would be a nightmare.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Ксения Баталова <> wrote:
> Is it planned soon?
> Or may be not soon..
> _ _ _
> Batalova Kseniya
> There is no equivalent of, say a SQL update...where... so no, atomic
> updates by query...
> Best,
> Erick
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 2:49 AM, Ксения Баталова <>
> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have one more question about atomic updates in Solr (Solr 4.4.0).
>> Is it posible to generate atomic update by query?
>> I mean I want to update those documents in which IDs contain some string.
>> For example, index has:
>> Doc1, id="123|a,b"
>> Doc2, id="123|a,c"
>> Doc3, id="345|a,b"
>> Doc4, id="345|a,c,d".
>> And if I don't want to generate all IDs to update, but I know that
>> necessary IDs start with "123".
>> I tried to generate query something like that (using *):
>> {"id":"123|*",
>>  "price":{"set":99}
>> }
>> But in result the document with id="123|*" was added.
>> Can I do this somehow?
>> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
>> Best regards,
>> Batalova Kseniya

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