Benjamin -

The templates for VelocityResponseWriter (/browse, etc) are under 
conf/velocity.  Find the template that generates the piece you want to affect 
(which may be hit.vm or hit_<something>.vm? - depends on which version of Solr 
you’re using and which configuration you’ve started with to be more precise) 
and modify it to render a hyperlink around $doc.getFirstValue(“url”), maybe 
something like:

  <a href="$doc.getFirstValue(“url”)”>click here</a>

Does that get you what you need?

Erik Hatcher, Senior Solutions Architect

> On Jun 8, 2015, at 4:29 PM, Sznajder ForMailingList 
> <> wrote:
> Hi
> I would like one of the fields, I display in the results of Velocity UI, to
> be a hyperlink.
> In my example, I am storing a field "url" containing the link to the online
> page of the indexed document and I would like to have this displayed field
> a hyperlink to this page.
> Could you please indicate me waht should I change to get that?
> thanks!
> Benjamin

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