On 6/10/2015 2:47 PM, Peter Scholze wrote:
> I'm using Zookeeper 3.4.6 in the context of SolrCloud 5. When
> uploading a config file containing the following, I get an "Invalid
> Path String" error.
> <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
> words="/netapp/dokubase/seeval/dicts/stopwords/stopwords_de.txt"
> ignoreCase="true"/>
> leads obviously to
> Invalid path string
> \"/configs/newspapers//netapp/dokubase/seeval/dicts/stopwords/stopwords_de.txt\"
> caused by empty node name specified @20"
> Is there any way to prevent Zookeeper from doing so?

When your config is in zookeeper, which is a requirement for SolrCloud,
your entire config will be in zookeeper -- you cannot refer to files
that are stored elsewhere.  Upload stopwords_de.txt to zookeeper along
with the rest of your config and just reference it with:


An idea for a feature request, if it's not already possible: Make it
possible to use URI syntax to refer to resources stored in other places,
such as:


As third-party example of an implementation that allows this, I pass
this option on startup when I start my Solr 4.x servers:



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