On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Alessandro Benedetti
<benedetti.ale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So why in both cases we express the parent type ?
> ( "Note that regardless
> of which direction we are mapping (parents to children or children to
> parents) we provide a query that defines the complete set of parents in the
> index. In these examples, the parent filter is “type_s:book”. )
> Is this necessary for implementation reasons ? Is there to prevent to use
> other parent -children relations ? Why we don't specify the children type ?

That's just an implementation detail that separates the parents from
the children.
It's the way the original block join queries worked, so I just kept that part.
One could easily pass children and then assume that anything that
isn't marked as a child is a parent, but it would be different code to
implement that.

In the future, we may index more information by default when you index
nested child docs that would normally make specifying the parent
filter optional.

> Example:
> *Parent types* : book
> *Children types* : user_review, official_review
> Assuming we have in the same index this data.
> In two how can we distinguish between the 2 types of children ?

Today, it's up to whoever is indexing the nested documents to add type
information (like type:book, type:review).  There are no requirements
on how this is done.  In the example above, you could have
type:user_review and type:official_review or you could keep the type
as "review" and add an additional "isOfficial:true/false" to

Then if we're mapping from children to parents, it's the
responsibility of the base query and filters (or however the facet
domain got created) to limit to one child type if they want.

For example, a filter might be fq=isOfficial:true of you are only
querying official reviews

*But* for mapping from parents to children, you've quickly identified
a weakness that is on my TODO list ;-)
Currently all children (and grandchildren, if multi-leveled) will be
selected when using blockChildren.  We need a filter (or filters) to
apply after the transition to screen out only those children we are
interested in *before* we calculate the facets.  That would include
type info (in the case of multiple child types), but wouldn't be
limited to that.


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