On 6/14/2015 6:53 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:
> And anyone who, you know, really likes working with UI code please
> help making it better!

Did some quick testing with Solr 5.2.1, after starting it and adding a
core based on the techproducts example.  For the most part, it looks
very good, and most of what I looked looked like it was complete. 
Because the core was empty, some of the pages didn't have anything to
display.  Now for the few problems I did notice, and one idea:

On the dashboard, the memory/swap graphs had no numbers and were just
solid bars.  Under JVM, the Args entry was blank, but I'm pretty sure
that when using bin\solr, there are a a whole bunch of arguments.  I'm
running this test on Windows 7 64-bit with 64-bit Oracle JDK8u45.

The favicon was the standard jetty icon instead of the Solr icon.  Then
I went to the current admin UI, which switched it to the Solr icon. 
When I went back to the angular UI, the favicon was still showing the
Solr icon.

The Core Overview page says "Last Modified:  NaN years ago" for a brand
new empty core.  The current UI has a blank field here.

As I click around the UI, there is a spinning cursor above the "S" in
Solr in the upper left corner of the UI.  It is only half the cursor,
though ... and it never stops spinning and never disappears.  This is on
Firefox 38.0.5.  On Chrome 43.0.2357.124, it behaves similarly, except
that the half-visible spinning cursor does disappear after the page is
finished loading.  Here's how it looks:


I noticed that the URL includes "/index.html#" which is used in a way
similar to "/#" in the current UI.  It occurred to me that the inclusion
of index.html makes it more obvious that you can't use that URL for a
Solr client.  Perhaps we could keep some text in the URL at that
location even after it becomes default?  Using "admin" (or some
variation) instead of "index.html" seems like a good option.


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