This might be an issue with your stemmer. "management" being stemmed to "manage", "changes" being stemmed to "change" then the terms match. You can use the solr admin UI to test your indexing and query analysis chains to see if this is happening.

On 6/16/2015 3:22 AM, Alistair Young wrote:

I've been looking for documentation that would point to where I could modify or 
explain why 'near neighbours' are returned from a phrase search. If I search 

"manage change"

I get back a document that contains "this will help in your management of <lots more 
words...> changes". It's relevant but I'd like to understand why solr is returning it. 
Is it a combination of fuzzy/slop? The distance between the two variations of the two words in 
the document is quite large.



mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h

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