On Wed, Jun 24, 2015, at 11:19 AM, Vishnu Mishra wrote:
> I think there is no issue with query escaping. I am doing shard query to
> my
> main solr server, and from inside the main solr server I am doing simple
> *:*
> query to another solr server by using solrj.  But most of the time I get
> following error.  Cannot parse '*:*': Encountered "<EOF>" at line 1,
> column
> 1. 

Same answer as last time. Please give us more information.

Please give us the full query that you are doing. If you are using
SolrJ, you can get it out of the logs of the server you are hitting.

Please also give us the full stack trace of the error you are seeing,
not just the error message itself. 

Without this extra information, anything we say will be speculation.



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