On 6/29/2015 8:44 AM, Tarala, Magesh wrote:
> We are planning to go to production with Solr 4.10.4. Documentation 
> recommends to use full Jetty package that includes JettyPlus. I'm not able to 
> find the instructions to do this. Can someone point me in the right direction?

I found the official page that talks about JettyPlus.


Note at the top of the page where it says that info is outdated for
Jetty 8.  Solr has been using Jetty 8 since version 4.0-ALPHA -- for
nearly three years now.  Typical use cases for Solr do *not* require a
full Jetty install.  Even most non-typical use cases do not require it.

Solr 4.10 includes the bin/solr script for startup, which runs the Jetty
that's included in the Solr download.  Solr 5.x makes those scripts even

If you haven't made it to production yet, you should probably consider
upgrading to Solr 5.2.1.

If you are not going to use the Jetty included with Solr, then you're
pretty much on your own. You can take the war file from the dist
directory, the logging jars from the example/lib/ext directory, and the
logging config from example/resources, and install it in most of the
available servlet containers.

Starting with 5.0, the included Jetty is the only officially supported
way to start Solr, and the war is no longer included in the dist
directory in the download.



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