On Tue, 2015-06-30 at 16:39 +1000, Caroline Hind wrote:
> We have very recently upgraded from SOLR 4.1 to 5.2.1, and at the same
> time increased the physical RAM from 24Gb to 96Gb. We run multiple
> cores on this one server, approximately 20 in total, but primarily we
> have one that is huge in comparison to all of the others. This very
> large core consists of nearly 62 million documents, and the index is
> around 45Gb in size.(Is that index unreasonably large, should it be
> sharded?) 

The size itself sounds fine, but your performance numbers below are
worrying. As always it is hard to give advice on setups:

> I'm really unfamiliar with how we should be configuring our JVM.
> Currently we have it set to a maximum of 48Gb, up until yesterday it
> was set to 24Gb and we've been seeing the dreaded OOME messages from
> time to time.

There is a shift in pointer size when one passes the 32GB mark for JVM
memory. Your 48GB allocation gives you about the same amount of heap as
a 32GB allocation would:
Consider running two Solrs on the same machine instead. Maybe one for
the large collection and one for the rest?

Anyway, OOMs with ~32GB of heap for 62M documents indicates that you are
doing heavy sorting, grouping or faceting on fields that does not have
DocValues enabled. Could you describe what you do in that regard?

> The type of queries that are run can return anything from
> 1 million to 9.5 million documents, and typically run for anything from
> 20 to 45 minutes. 

Such response times are a thousand times higher than what most people
are seeing. There might be a perfectly fine reason for those response
times, but I suggest we sanity check them: Could you show us a typical
query and tell us how many concurrent queries you normally serve?

- Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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