It looks like you are indexing the detail_txt fields as multivalued.
Perhaps you could index them as parent/child documents, and use block
joins and the expand component to retrieve them.

You can index the doc as:

  <field name="id">0BICA_PROBLEM_AUTHOR</field>
  <field name="type">parent</field>
   <field name="id">0RS_AUTHOR</field>
   <field name="TXTLG">Author</field>
   <field name="IOBJTP">CHA</field>
   <field name="type">child</field>

If you want to query the parent docs, just query as normal, and add
expand=true to see your child docs in your results (lower down). Or, use
the {!parent} or {!child} queries to select documents based upon
parent/child relationships.


On Mon, Jul 6, 2015, at 04:41 AM, SHANKAR REDDY wrote:
> Team,
> I have a  requirement like getting the list of the child tables along
> with
> parent records as the below pattern.
> "description_txt":[""],
> "display_value_txt":["Analyser : Problems/Category/Author"],
> "report_types_id_txt":["1"],
> "report_categories_id_txt":["30585"],
> "category_name_txt":["0RS_RPODS"],
> icon_url_txt":["images/icon_report_crystal.png"]
> "detail_txt":[{"IOBJNM": "0RS_AUTHOR","TXTLG":"Author","IOBJTP":"CHA"},
> {"IOBJNM": "0RS_CCAT","TXTLG":" CheckCategory (inte","IOBJTP":" CHA"},
> {"IOBJNM": "0RS_PRIORTY","TXTLG":"Priority CHA","IOBJTP":""},
> {"IOBJNM": "PRIOSEL","TXTLG":"Priority Selection","IOBJTP":"KFG""}]
> }
> From the above detail_txt child entity ( Child Table). With the current
> and
> default implementation, I am getting the response as below.
> {
>         "data_source_txt":["0RS_RPOD"],
>         "id":"0BICA_PROBLEM_AUTHOR",
>         "description_txt":[""],
>         "display_value_txt":["Analyser : Problems/Category/Author"],
>         "report_types_id_txt":["1"],
>         "report_categories_id_txt":["30585"],
>         "category_name_txt":["0RS_RPODS"],
>         "icon_url_txt":["images/icon_report_crystal.png"],
>         "report_type_display_value_txt":["Bex"],
>         "iobjtp_txt":["CHA",
>           "CHA",
>           "CHA",
>           "KFG"],
>         "txtlg_txt":["Author",
>           "CheckCategory  (inte",
>           "Priority",
>           "Priority Selection"],
>         "iobjnm_txt":["0RS_AUTHOR",
>           "0RS_CCAT",
>           "0RS_PRIORTY",
>           "PRIOSEL"],
>         "_version_":1505820339930660864}
> As seen above I am getting the array of columns for each of fields
> instead
> of each row in the entity as a block.
> Please provide your suggestions on this. I am using latest version of
> solr
> APACHE SOLR™ 5.2.1
> Please provide your suggestion to meet the requirement.
> -Shankar

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