But why do you want that?

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015, at 05:31 AM, Lee Chunki wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> Thank you for your reply.
> I have more questions.
> what I want to do is sort document by "tfidf score + function query
> score”
> there are problems to do this :
> * if I use function query ( https://wiki.apache.org/solr/FunctionQuery
> <https://wiki.apache.org/solr/FunctionQuery> ), there is no function for
> tfidf score.
> * if I use bf, solr product queryNorm
> * if I use bq, solr product tfidf 
> what can I do?
> example what I want to do is
> when query is like 
>       ?q=iphone&bf=recip(ms(NOW,mydatefield),3.16e-11,1,1)
> get score 
>       tfidf + bf score = 2.7 + 1.1
>       when tfidf =2.7 , bf score = 1.1
> not 
>       2.7 + 1.1 * 0.12 
>       when  queryNorm =0.12 
> Best,
> Calvin.
> > On Jul 7, 2015, at 8:51 PM, Markus Jelsma <markus.jel...@openindex.io> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Hello - you can either use a similarity that does not use query 
> > normalization, or you can just ignore it, it is relative anyway. Also, 
> > consider using boost parameter instead of bf, it is multiplicative where bf 
> > is just additive, which offers less control. You may also want to reduce 
> > time resolution by using NOW/HOUR or NOW/DAY. It saves you a lot of bad 
> > cache entries.
> > 
> > Markus
> > 
> > -----Original message-----
> >> From:Lee Chunki <lck7...@coupang.com>
> >> Sent: Tuesday 7th July 2015 13:29
> >> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> >> Subject: function query result without queryNorm
> >> 
> >> Hi, 
> >> 
> >> I want to add some value to score.
> >> 
> >> so, I tried to use “bf” but it returns 
> >> value * queryNorm
> >> 
> >> for example, when I use 
> >> q=iphone&bf=div(ms(NOW,start_time),3600000)
> >> 
> >> solr returns
> >> 
> >>  799.5687 = (MATCH) 
> >> FunctionQuery(div(ms(const(1436268218591),date(start_time)),const(3600000))),
> >>  product of:
> >>    6988.394 = 
> >> div(ms(const(1436268218591),date(start_time)=2014-09-19T07:00:00Z),const(3600000))
> >>    1.0 = boost
> >>    0.114413805 = queryNorm
> >> 
> >> 
> >> how can I get only FunctionQuery() result ?
> >> 
> >> Thanks,
> >> Calvin.
> >> 
> >> 

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