Thank you all for your help.  I will leave Solr as-is and not step on its


On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 2:29 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 7/7/2015 10:51 AM, Steven White wrote:
> > What I am faced with is this.  I have to create my own crawler, similar
> to
> > DIH.  I have to deploy this on the same server as Solr (this is given, I
> > cannot change it).  I have to manage this crawler just like I have to
> > manage my Solr deployment using Solr API through HTTP request.  I figured
> > if I deploy my application under Jetty, with Solr, then problem is
> solved.
> At some point in the future, Jetty is expected to go away, with Solr
> becoming a true standalone application.  There is no set timeframe for
> this to happen.  It will hopefully happen before 6.0, but the work needs
> to be *started* before any kind of guess can be made.
> > The other option I looked at is writing my own handler for my crawler and
> > plugging it into Solr's solrconfig.xml.  If I do this, then my crawler
> will
> > run in the same JVM space as Solr, this is something I want to avoid.
> If you install another webapp into the same Jetty as Solr, then it will
> be running in the same JVM as Solr.  Jetty is the application that the
> JVM runs, not Solr.  This is not very different from a handler in
> solrconfig.xml.
> > Yet another option is for me deploy a second instance of Jetty on the
> Solr
> > server just for my crawler.  This is over kill in my opinion.
> >
> > What do folks think about this and what's the best way to approach this
> > issue?  Deploy my crawler on a separate server is not an option and for
> my
> > use case Solr will be used in a lightweight so there is plenty of CPU /
> > on this one server to host Solr and my crawler.
> As you've already been told, it's a very strong recommendation that you
> treat Solr as a standalone application and forget that it's running in a
> standard servlet container.  That means that any other webapps, like the
> crawler you mention, should be installed completely separately.
> In my previous reply, I told you how you *could* install another
> application into the Jetty included with Solr, but we don't recommend
> it, because eventually you won't have that option.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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