I was having a problem in a 4.x version of Solr and wanted to check
5.2.1 to see if it still had the same problem, so I copied my fieldType
into a 5.2.1 example schema.  My fieldType uses some ICU analysis
classes, so I also put the contrib jars into server/solr/lib.

I ran into a problem similar to SOLR-4852.


The Solr log shows the icu jars being loaded twice, and i got a class
not found exception for the ICU classes.

If I change the schema from the "short" factory class name
(solr.ICUTokenizerFactory) to the full class name
(org.apache.lucene.analysis.icu.segmentation.ICUTokenizerFactory), then
it works.

I'm guessing that the root of the problem is the fact that the jars are
loaded twice ... but I cannot see any reason for them to be loaded
twice.  They are not mentioned in any <lib> directives in
solrconfig.xml, and there is no sharedLib declaration in solr.xml.  The
core that I created was using the techproducts sample config.

Should I open an issue for this problem?  I canprovide a very clear
step-by-step minimal process for showing the problem with a stock 5.2.1


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