Thank you, very good explanation.


> On 16 Jul 2015, at 17:12, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>> On 7/16/2015 7:47 AM, wrote:
>> Thanks Shawn, but don't want to build something in front of Solr cloud to 
>> help Solr assign leader role to distribute load of indexing.
>> Instead of doing this manual step (rebalance leaders) maybe one host should 
>> not take the leader role of multiple shards for same collection if the 
>> number of live nodes are equal to number of shards.
>> But assuming that when you say it will happen "over time", Maybe I'll 
>> continue indexing and see that leaders will be rebalanced soon.
> Unless you have a fairly major event (like Solr restarting or an
> operation taking longer than zkClientTimeout) your leaders will never
> change.  It's a semi-permanent role.  When a qualifying event happens,
> SolrCloud does an election process to determine the leader, but
> elections do not happen unless you force them with a REBALANCELEADERS
> action or one of several errors occurs.
> You don't have to build anything in front of Solr.  You simply have to
> assign a preferred leader for each shard, an action that can be done
> with an HTTP call in a browser.  I don't think we have anything in the
> admin UI to assign preferred leaders ... I will look into it and open an
> issue if necessary.
> The thing that I'm saying will happen over time is that all replicas
> will be used for queries.  If you send a thousand queries, you'll find
> that they will be divided fairly evenly among all replicas.  The fact
> that you have one node as leader for three of your shards is not very
> much of a big deal, but if you really want to change it, you can do so
> with the preferred leader feature.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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