On 7/19/2015 12:46 AM, Jeremy Ashcraft wrote:
> That did the trick.  The GC tuning options also seems to be working, but
> I guess we'll see when traffic ramps back up on monday.  Thanks for all
> your help!
> On 7/18/2015 8:16 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> The first thing I'd try is removing the UseLargePages option and see if
>> it goes away.

Glad you got the warning out of there.

Noticing that the message said "OpenJDK" I am betting you still have
OpenJDK 7u25 on the system.  I really was serious when I recommended
getting the latest Oracle Java that you could on the system.  Memory
management has seen a lot of improvement since the early Java 7 days.

There's nothing wrong with OpenJDK, as long as it's not OpenJDK 6, but
overall we do see the best results with the Oracle JVM.  If you want to
stick with OpenJDK, it would be a very good idea to get the latest v7 or
v8 version instead of the old version you've got.  7u25 is over two
years old.  Java development moves very quickly, which makes that
version a lot like ancient history.

Part of the reason that my general recommendation is Java 8 is that both
Java 6 and Java 7 have reached end of support at Oracle.  There will be
no more development on those versions.

Having said that, note that it's just a recommendation, whether you
follow that recommendation is up to you.  I found 7u25 to be a very
solid release ... but release 60 and later have better memory
management.  Don't use 7u40, 7u45, 7u51, or 7u55 -- those versions have
known bugs that DO affect Lucene/Solr.


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