On 7/20/2015 8:16 AM, EXTERNAL Taminidi Ravi (ETI, AA-AS/PAS-PTS) wrote:
> Hi All, Can you someone explain or refer me right place to know more on how 
> the Score is calculated, I am seeing it has few attribute like, 
> termfrequency, document frequeuncy, weight, boost also it is say sum of , 
> product of..
> Is there any example of understanding the basics of these attributes and the 
> logic for calculating the score.

If you add "debugQuery=true" to your URL request, then you will get a
full accounting of how the score was calculated for each document in the
results.  I think "debug=query" also works.

Looking at the source code for DefaultSimilarity is probably also
helpful.  Here's the javadoc for that class:


Much more detailed info is available by clicking on the parent class
link (TFIDFSimilarity) on this page.


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