On Tue, Jul 21, 2015, at 02:00 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> On 7/20/2015 5:45 PM, Vineeth Dasaraju wrote:
> > I am trying to install Banana on top of solr but haven't been able to do
> > so. All the procedures that I get are for an earlier version of solr. Since
> > the directory structure has changed in the new version, inspite of me
> > placing the banana folder under the server/solr-webapp/webapp folder, I am
> > not able to access it using the url
> > localhost:8983/banana/src/index.html#/dashboard. I would appreciate it if
> > someone can throw some more light into how I can do it.
> I think you would also need an xml file in server/contexts that tells
> Jetty how to load the application.
> I cloned the git repository for banana, and I see
> jetty-contexts/banana-context.xml there.  I would imagine that copying
> this xml file into server/contexts and copying the banana.war generated
> by "ant build-war" into server/webapps would be enough to install it.
> If what I have said here is not enough to help you, then your best bet
> for help with this is to talk to Lucidworks.  They know Solr REALLY well.

I just tried it with the latest Solr. I downloaded v1.5.0.tgz and
unpacked it. I moved the contents of the src directory into
server/solr-webapp/webapp/banana then visited
http://localhost:8983/solr/banana/index.html and it loaded up. I then
needed to click the cog in the top right and change the collection it
was accessing from collection1 to something that was actually there.

>From there, I assume the rest of it will work fine - my test system
didn't have any data in it for me to confirm that.


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