On Wed, Jul 22, 2015, at 09:21 PM, Shamik Bandopadhyay wrote:
> Just wondering if it's possible to combine to separate MLT queries (based
> on filtering condition) into a single one. I'm trying to combine the
> results of this two query:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/mlt?q=title:"ABC"&fq=Source:("Test1"
> OR "Test3" OR "Test4")
> http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/mlt?q=title:"ABC"&fq=Source:("Test2")
> The Source field filter differs in both cases. What I'm looking is to
> combine the top 4 from query 1 and top 4 from query 2. I was exploring
> the
> option to combine into a single query instead of two. Is it possible ?
> Any pointer will be appreciated.

There is no way, at present to combine them in the way you are asking.
You might want to try the MoreLikeThis query parser which you might find
more flexible. With that you could use one as a filter on top of the
other. But there's no way to say "take n from here and m from there" -
you'd have to do that in your front-end code - or write your own request
handler to do it for you.


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