
I have set up SOLR Cloud comprising of 2 solr instances and zookeeper in 
separate instance. Have created one shard in one of the solr node and the other 
solr node act as a replica for that shard.
I am able to post documents through UI.

But while trying to connect from Java layer I am getting below error. From Java 
level using CLoudSolrCLient class I am passing zookeeper host which is on 2181 port.

The collection name is umbcollection. I am not sure what is wrong here. Could 
someone help me in finding what could be the rootcause.

org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error 
from server at No active slice 
servicing hash code 103646ce in DocCollection(umbcollection)={





















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