Hi everyone,

I'm trying to write a PostFilter for Solr 5.1.0, which is meant to crawl 
through grandchild documents during a search through the parents and filter out 
documents based on statistics gathered from aggregating the grandchildren 
together.  I've been successful in getting the logic correct, but it does not 
perform so well - I'm grabbing too many documents from the index along the way. 
 I'm trying to filter out grandchild documents which are not relevant to the 
statistics I'm collecting, in order to reduce the number of document objects 
pulled from the IndexReader.

I've implemented the following code in my DelegatingCollector.collect:

if (inStockSkusBitSet == null) {
SolrIndexSearcher SidxS = (SolrIndexSearcher) idxS; // type cast from 
IndexSearcher to expose getDocSet.
inStockSkusDocSet = SidxS.getDocSet(inStockSkusQuery);
inStockSkusBitDocSet = (BitDocSet) inStockSkusDocSet; // type cast from DocSet 
to expose getBits.
inStockSkusBitSet = inStockSkusBitDocSet.getBits();

My BitDocSet reports a size which matches a standard query for the more limited 
set of grandchildren, and the FixedBitSet (inStockSkusBitSet) also reports this 
same cardinality.  Based on that fact, it seems that the getDocSet call itself 
must be working properly, and returning the right number of documents.  
However, when I try to filter out grandchild documents using either 
BitDocSet.exists or BitSet.get (passing over any grandchild document which 
doesn't exist in the bitdocset or return true from the bitset), I get about 1/3 
less results than I'm supposed to.   It seems many documents that should match 
the filter, are being excluded, and documents which should not match the 
filter, are being included.

I'm trying to use it either of these ways:

if (!inStockSkusBitSet.get(currentChildDocNumber)) continue;
if (!inStockSkusBitDocSet.exists(currentChildDocNumber)) continue;

The currentChildDocNumber is simply the docNumber which is passed to 
DelegatingCollector.collect, decremented until I hit a document that doesn't 
belong to the parent document.

I can't seem to figure out a way to actually use the BitDocSet (or its 
derivatives) to quickly eliminate document IDs.  It seems like this is how it's 
supposed to be used.  What am I getting wrong?

Sorry if this is a newbie question, I've never written a PostFilter before, and 
frankly, the documentation out there is a little sketchy (mostly for version 4) 
- so many classes have changed names and so many of the more well-documented 
techniques are deprecated or removed now, it's tough to follow what the current 
best practice actually is.  I'm using the block join functionality heavily so 
I'm trying to keep more current than that.  I would be happy to send along the 
full source privately if it would help figure this out, and plan to write up 
some more elaborate instructions (updated for Solr 5) for the next person who 
decides to write a PostFilter and work with block joins, if I ever manage to 
get this performing well enough.

Thanks for any pointers!  Totally open to doing this an entirely different way. 
 I read DocValues might be a more elegant approach but currently that would 
require reindexing, so trying to avoid that.

Also, I've been wondering if the query above would read from the filter cache 
or not.  The query is constructed like this:

    private Term inStockTrueTerm = new Term("sku_history.is_in_stock", "T");
    private Term objectTypeSkuHistoryTerm = new Term("object_type", 

inStockTrueTermQuery = new TermQuery(inStockTrueTerm);
objectTypeSkuHistoryTermQuery = new TermQuery(objectTypeSkuHistoryTerm);
inStockSkusQuery = new BooleanQuery();
inStockSkusQuery.add(inStockTrueTermQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
inStockSkusQuery.add(objectTypeSkuHistoryTermQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);


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