Jetty includes a QoSFilter,, 
with some changes I think it might be able to throttle the requests coming into 
Solr from truly outside, e.g. not SolrCloud replication, ZooKeeper etc., so as 
to make sure that Solr's own work could still get done.   This is just an idea, 
not a suggestion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: jetty.xml

On 8/18/2015 11:50 PM, William Bell wrote:
> We sometimes get a spike in Solr, and we get like 3K of threads and 
> then timeouts...
> In Solr 5.2.1 the defult jetty settings is kinda crazy for threads - 
> since the value is HIGH!
> What do others recommend?

The setting of 10000 is so that there is effectively no limit.  Solr will stop 
working right if it is not allowed to start threads whenever it wishes.  Solr 
is not a typical web application.

As far as I know (any my knowledge could be wrong), a typical web application 
that serves a website to users will handle all back-end details with the same 
thread(s) that were created when the connection was opened.  Putting a 
relatively low limit on the number of threads in that situation is sensible.

A very small Solr install with a low query volume will work in 200 threads (the 
default limit in most containers), but it doesn't take very much to exceed that.

I have a Solr 4.9.1 dev install with 44 cores, running with the Jetty 8 example 
included in the 4.x download.  19 of those cores are build cores, with 19 cores 
for live indexes.  The other six cores are always empty, with a shards 
parameter in the search handler definition for distributed searching.  This 
install does NOT run in SolrCloud mode.

This dev server sees very little traffic besides a few indexing requests every 
minute and load balancer health checks.  JConsole shows the number of threads 
hovering between 230 and 235.  If I scroll through the thread list, most of 
them show a state of WAITING on various locking mechanisms, which explains why 
my CPUs (8 CPU cores total) are not being overwhelmed with work from all those 

Solr and Lucene don't really have a runaway thread problem as far as I can 
tell, but the system does use a fair number of them for basic operation, with 
more cores/collections adding more threads.  SolrCloud mode will also use more 

If you send requests to Solr at a vary fast rate, the servlet container may 
also use a lot of threads.


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