I have a Solrcloud cluster running with 2 nodes, configured with 1 shard
and 2 replica. Now I have added a node on a new server, registered with the
same three zookeepers. The node shows up inside the tree of the Solrcloud
admin GUI under "live nodes".

Unfortunatelly the new node is not inside the graphical view and it shows 0
cores available while the other admin interface shows the available core. I
have also shutdown the second replica server which is now grayed out. But
still third node not available.

Is there something I have to do in order to add a node, despite registering
it? This is the startup command I am using:
bin/solr start -cloud -s server/solr2 -p 8983 -z zk1:2181,zk1:2182,zk1:2183

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