I just want to clarify: all of Shawn's points below are valid and good -- 
but they stll don't explain the warning messgae you are getting.  it makes 
no sense as the code is currently written, and doesn't do anything to help 
encourage people to transition to path based handler names.

: Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:50:51 -0600
: From: Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org>
: Reply-To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
: To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
: Subject: Re: "no default request handler is registered"
: On 8/27/2015 1:10 PM, Scott Hollenbeck wrote:
: > I'm doing some experimenting with Solr 5.3 and the 7.x-1.x-dev version of
: > the Apache Solr Search module for Drupal. Things seem to be working fine,
: > except that this warning message appears in the Solr admin logging window
: > and in the server log:
: > 
: > "no default request handler is registered (either '/select' or 'standard')"
: > 
: > Looking at the solrconfig.xml file that comes with the Drupal module I see a
: > requestHandler named "standard":
: > 
: >   <requestHandler name="standard" class="solr.SearchHandler">
: >      <lst name="defaults">
: >        <str name="df">content</str>
: >        <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
: >        <bool name="omitHeader">true</bool>
: >      </lst>
: >   </requestHandler>
: > 
: > I also see a handler named pinkPony with a "default" attribute set to
: > "true":
: <snip>
: > So it seems like there are both standard and default requestHandlers
: > specified. Why is the warning produced? What am I missing?
: I think the warning message may be misworded, or logged in incorrect
: circumstances, and might need some attention.
: The solrconfig.xml that you are using (which I assume came from the
: Drupal project) is geared towards a 3.x version of Solr prior to 3.6.x
: (the last minor version in the 3.x line).
: Starting in the 3.6 version, all request handlers in examples have names
: that start with a forward slash, like "/select", none of them have the
: "default" attribute, and the handleSelect parameter found elsewhere in
: the solrconfig.xml is false.
: You should bring this up with the Drupal folks and ask them to upgrade
: their config/schema and their code for modern versions of Solr.  Solr
: 3.6.0 (which deprecated their handler naming convention and the
: "default" attribute) was released over three years ago.
: More info than you probably wanted to know:  The reason this change was
: made is security-related.  With the old way of naming request handlers
: and handling /select indirectly, you could send a query to /select,
: include a qt=/update parameter, and change the index via a handler
: intended only for queries.
: Thanks,
: Shawn


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