On 8/28/2015 8:10 AM, Bill Au wrote:
> Is core swapping supported in SolrCloud?  If I have a 5 nodes SolrCloud
> cluster and I do a core swap on the leader, will the core be swapped on the
> other 4 nodes as well?  Or do I need to do a core swap on each node?

When you're running SolrCloud, swapping any of the cores might really
screw things up.  I think it might be a good idea for Solr to return a
"not supported in cloud mode" failure on certain CoreAdmin actions.

Instead, use collection aliasing.  Create collections named something
like foo_0 and foo_1, and update the alias "foo" to point to whichever
of them is currently live.  Your queries and update requests will never
need to know about foo_0 and foo_1 ... only the coordinating part of
your system, where you would normally do your core swapping, needs to
know about those.


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