On Sat, Aug 29, 2015, at 05:30 PM, Szűcs Roland wrote:
> Hello SOLR experts,
> I am new to solr as you will see from my problem. I just try to
> understand
> how solr works. I use one core (BandW) on my locla machine and I use
> javascript for my learning purpose.
> I have a test schema.xml: with two fileds: id, title. I managed to run
> queries with faceting, autocomplete, etc. In all cases I used Ajax post
> method. For example my search was (searchWithSuggest.searchAjaxRequest is
> an XMLHttpRequest object):
> var s=document.getElementById(searchWithSuggest.inputBoxId).value;
> var params='q='+s+'&start=0&rows=10';
> a=searchWithSuggest.solrServer+'/query';
> searchWithSuggest.searchAjaxRequest.open("POST",a, true);
> searchWithSuggest.searchAjaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type",
> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
> searchWithSuggest.searchAjaxRequest.send(encodeURIComponent(params));
> It worked fine. I thought that an xml update can work the same way so I
> tried to add and index one new document by xml(a is an XMLHttpRequest
> object):
> a.open("POST","http://localhost:8983/solr/bandw/update",true);
> a.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
> a.send(encodeURIComponent("stream.body=<add commitWithin=5000><doc><field
> name='id'>3222</field><field name='title'>Blade</field></doc></add>"));
> I got a response with error: missing content stream.
> I have changed only the a.open function call to this one:
> a.open("POST","http://localhost:8983/solr/bandw/update?commit=true",true);
> the rest of the did not change.
> Finally, I got response with no error from SOLR. Later it turned out that
> the new doc was not indexed at all.
> My questions:
> 1. If I get no error from solr what is wrong with the second solution and
> how can I fix it?
> 2. Is there any solution to put all the parameters to the a.send call as
> in
> case of queries. I tried
> a.send(encodeURIComponent("commit=true&stream.body=<add
> commitWithin=5000><doc><field name='id'>3222</field><field
> name='title'>Blade</field></doc></add>")); but it was not working.
> 3. Why 95% of the examples in SOLR wiki pages relates to curl. Is this
> the
> most efficient alternative? Is there a "mapping" between a curl syntax
> and
> the post request?
> Best Regards,
> Roland

You're using a POST to fake a GET - just make the Content-type text/xml
(or application/xml, I forget) and call a.send("<add>....</add>");

You may need the encodeURIComponent, not sure.

The stream.body feature allows you to do an HTTP GET that has a stream
within it, but you are already doing a POST so it isn't needed.


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