On 9/1/2015 11:28 PM, Gaurav Kumar wrote: > I am working on writing some open source tool for Solr Camel component, it > would be great if you can add me to list of contributors. > Also I realized that you guys have upgraded the wiki to Solr 5.3, but we are > using Solr 4, and suddenly now there is no information available for the > older version. > Is there a way you guys can keep information about previous versions as well? > My username is "GauravKumar"
You are now added to the Contributors Group on the Solr community wiki, so you have full edit rights to nearly all of the wiki. https://wiki.apache.org/solr/ContributorsGroup Your message hinted at wanting more information ... so here's a whole lot more info than you probably wanted: Note that the community wiki is *not* the same thing as the official reference guide. The reference guide is carefully updated to only refer to the latest version. Currently it targets the 5.4 release, which is not out yet: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Apache+Solr+Reference+Guide Because the reference guide is published and released as official PDF documentation, only Apache Lucene/Solr committers have edit rights for the wiki that contains the ref guide. Anyone can comment on the pages. User input is appreciated and frequently incorporated. The Reference Guide was originally created and maintained by LucidWorks. They generously donated the entire guide to Apache. The first Apache release of the guide covered Solr version 4.4.0. There are historical releases of the guide for each minor release since that version: http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/ref-guide/ The community wiki is definitely not abandoned, but now that we have the official reference guide, its purpose has changed. It now exists to hold supplemental documentation and tips/tricks that are not appropriate for the reference guide, but should still be available to the community. This means that large sections of the wiki need to be removed, because they contain the same info as the guide, but it is frequently outdated. The transition of the community wiki to its new purpose is VERY slow ... no major overhaul has been planned. Users like you are the best hope for keeping that wiki useful and relevant. Regarding Solr 4: Nearly zero committer time is spent on the code for 4.x releases, and very little time is spent on documentation in the community wiki for those versions. In the Apache SVN server, branch_4x was removed and branch_5x created on September 18, 2014. If extremely serious bugs are found in the older version, they will be fixed in the 4.10 branch. Depending on the estimated user impact for any bugs found, you MIGHT see a new 4.10.x release. At this point, it would have to be a *REALLY* bad bug, and the chances of a bug like that being found are low. Thanks, Shawn