bq: Why do you say: "at 10M documents there's rarely a need to shard at all?"

Because I routinely see 50M docs on a single node and I've seen over 300M docs
on a single node with sub-second responses. So if you're saying that
you see poor
performance at 1M docs then I suspect there's something radically
wrong with your
setup. Too little memory, very bad query patterns, whatever. If my
suspicion is true,
then sharding will just mask the underlying problem.

You need to quantify your performance concerns. It's one thing to say
"my node satisfies 50 queries-per-second with 500ms response time" and
another to say "My queries take 5,000 ms".

In the first case, you do indeed need to add more servers to increase QPS if
you need 500 QPS. And adding more slaves is the best way to do that.
In the second, you need to understand the slowdown because sharding
will be a band-aid.

This might help:


On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 8:19 AM, scott chu <> wrote:
> solr-user,妳好
> Do you mean I only have to put 10M documents in one index and copy it to
> many slaves in a classic Solr master-slave architecture to provide querying
> serivce on internet, and it won't have obvious downgrade of query
> performance? But I did have add 1M document into one index on master and
> provide 2 slaves to serve querying service on internet, the query
> performance is kinda sad. Why do you say: "at 10M documents there's rarely a
> need to shard at all?" Do I provide too few slaves? What amount of documents
> is suitable for a need for shard in SolrCloud?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Erick Erickson
> To: solr-user
> Date: 2015-09-02, 23:00:29
> Subject: Re: concept and choice: custom sharding or auto sharding?
> Frankly, at 10M documents there's rarely a need to shard at all.
> Why do you think you need to? This seems like adding
> complexity for no good reason. Sharding should only really
> be used when you have too many documents to fit on a single
> shard as it adds some overhead, restricts some
> possibilities (cross-core join for instance, a couple of
> grouping options don't work in distributed mode etc.).
> You can still run SolrCloud and have it manage multiple
> _replicas_ of a single shard for HA/DR.
> So this seems like an XY problem, you're asking specific
> questions about shard routing because you think it'll
> solve some problem without telling us what the problem
> is.
> Best,
> Erick
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 7:47 AM, scott chu <> wrote:
>> I post a question on Stackoverflow
>> However, since this is a mail-list, I repost the question below to request
>> for suggestion and more subtle concept of SolrCloud's behavior on document
>> routing.
>> I want to establish a SolrCloud clsuter for over 10 millions of news
>> articles. After reading this article in Apache Solr Refernce guide: Shards
>> and Indexing Data in SolrCloud, I have a plan as follows:
>> Add prefix ED2001! to document ID where ED means some newspaper source and
>> 2001 is the year part in published date of news article, i.e. I want to put
>> all news articles of specific news paper source published in specific year
>> to a shard.
>> Create collection with set to compositeID.
>> Add documents?
>> Query Collection?
>> Practically, I got some questions:
>> How to add doucments based on this plan? Do I have to specify special
>> parameters when updating the collection/core?
>> Is this called "custom sharding"? If not, what is "custom sharding"?
>> Is auto sharding a better choice for my case since there's a
>> shard-splitting feature for auto sharding when the shard is too big?
>> Can I query without _router_ parameter?
>> EDIT @ 2015/9/2:
>> This is how I think SolrCloud will do: "The amount of news articles of
>> specific newspaper source of specific year tends to be around a fix number,
>> e.g. Every year ED has around 80,000 articles, so each shard's size won't
>> increase dramatically. For the next year's news articles of ED, I only have
>> to add prefix 'ED2016!' to document ID, SolrCloud will create a new shard
>> for me (which contains all ED2016 articles), and later the Leader will
>> spread the replica of this new shard to other nodes (per replica per node
>> other than leader?)". Am I right? If yes, it seems no need for
>> shard-splitting.
> -----
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