Have you looked at Admin Web UI in details yet? When you look at the
"Overview" page, on the right hand side, it lists a bunch of
directories. You want one that says "Instance". Then, your
solrconfig.xml is in "conf" directory under that.

P.s. Welcome!

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On 2 September 2015 at 17:03, Mark Fenbers <mark.fenb...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> Hi,  I've been fiddling with Solr for two whole days since
> downloading/unzipping it.  I've learned a lot by reading 4 documents and the
> web site.  However, there are a dozen or so instances of solrconfig.xml in
> various $HOME/solr-5.3.0 subdirectories.  The documents/tutorials say to
> edit the solrconfig.xml file for various configuration details, but they
> never say which one of these dozen to edit.  Moreover, I cannot determine
> which version is being used once I start solr, so that I would know which
> instance of this file to edit/customize.
> Can you help??
> Thanks!
> Mark

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