 I hope somebody can help.

We have two indexes, one which holds the descriptive data and the other one 
which holds lists of docs which are
of a certain type (called universes in our world). They need to be joined 
together to show a list of data from indexA
where a filtered indexB (by universe:value) has matching longs (The join field).

At the moment the query is taking 55 seconds we need to get it under a second, 
any help most appreciated.


Index a (primary index)
31 million docs with a converted alphanumeric to a long value with a possible 
10 million unique values.

Index B (the joined index)
250 million documents with a converted alphanumeric to a long value with a 
possible 10 million unique values.
IndexB is filtered by universe which could be between 1 and 500,000 docs.


Qtime is 55 seconds for either a universe of 5 docs or 500,000 docs.



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