On 9/8/2015 10:02 AM, Nir Barel wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using Solr 4.8.1 and when I tries to change the log level via the admin 
> web UI
> It doesn't do anything and the only way to change the log level is to edit my 
> log4j file and restart SOLR process
> Is it a known issue?
> Can you guide me what should I check?

We'll need a lot more details.  What exactly are you changing, what are
you expecting to happen, and what actually happens?


Changing the logging level of a class in the admin UI will usually not
affect what you can see in the Logging tab in the same UI. That is
limited to messages that are at least as severe as WARN, so lower
severity details like INFO and DEBUG will not normally appear there,
they will be in the Solr logfile, and possibly on the console (stdout)
of the Solr process.


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