On 9/21/2015 9:01 AM, Gili Nachum wrote:
> TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory takes place only on the leader shard, or on
> each shard replica?
> if on each replica then I would get different values on each replica.
> My alternative would be to perform secondary sort on a UUID to ensure order.

If the update chain is configured properly, it runs on the leader, so
all replicas get the same timestamp.

Without SolrCloud, the way to create an "indexed at" time field is in
the schema -- specify a default value of NOW on the field definition and
don't send the field when indexing.  The old master/slave replication
copies the actual index contents, so the indexed values in all replicas
are the same.

The problem with NOW in the schema when running SolrCloud is that each
replica indexes the document independently, so each replica can have a
different timestamp.  This is why the timestamp update processor exists
-- to set the timestamp to a specific value before the document is
duplicated to each replica, eliminating the problem.

FYI, secondary sort parameters affect the order when the primary sort
field is identical between two documents.  It may not do what you are
intending because of that.


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