On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 5:07 AM, Alessandro Benedetti
<benedetti.ale...@gmail.com> wrote:
>    There is an undocumented "method" parameter - I need to enable that to
>> allow switching between the docvalues approach and the UnInvertedField
>> approach.
> Only to clarify, please correct me Yonik if my understanding is wrong or
> outdated :
> To calculate facets, without going into the algorithm details there are 2
> approaches available :
> Term Enum ( good for limited number of unique values for your field) and Fc
> ( FieldCache) good for a lot of unique values, but not for big fields.
> For the FC approach,
>  - storing the DocValues for the field would transparently use them ( with
> the known benefit at the cost of disk space for the docValues data
> structures)
>  - without the DocValues , there algorithm will un-invert the index at
> runtime using the field cache to store the results

Yeah, that's right so far.
We should add a switch though for the method of uninversion...
UnInvertedField (for indexes that change less frequently) vs DocValues
(i.e. if you didn't index with DocValues, UnInvertedReader will
uninvert to an in-memory structure that looks like DocValues).

> So , from your quote, Term Enum will not be supported by Json Faceting ?

We can, it just hasn't been a priority yet.

Anyway, I'm going to step away from email and
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-8096 for a couple of days.
I need to go focus on putting some slides together for
Strata/HadoopWorld next week. I'll be talking about the new facet
module / json facets there.


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