A different solution to the same need: I'm measuring response times of
different collections measuring  online/batch queries apart using New
Relic. I've added a servlet filter that analyses the request and makes this
info available to new relic over a request argument.

The built in new relic solr plug in doesn't provide much.
On Sep 28, 2015 17:16, "Shawn Heisey" <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 9/28/2015 6:30 AM, Oliver Schrenk wrote:
> > I want to register multiple but identical search handler to have
> multiple buckets to measure performance for our different apis and
> consumers (and to find out who is actually using Solr).
> >
> > What are there some costs associated with having multiple search
> handlers? Are they neglible?
> Unless you are creating hundreds or thousands of them, I doubt you'll
> notice any significant increase in resource usage from additional
> handlers.  Each handler definition creates an additional URL endpoint
> within the servlet container, additional object creation within Solr,
> and perhaps an additional thread pool and threads to go with it, so it's
> not free, but I doubt that it's significant.  The resources required for
> actually handling a request is likely to dwarf what's required for more
> handlers.
> Disclaimer: I have not delved into the code to figure out exactly what
> gets created with a search handler config, so I don't know exactly what
> happens.  I'm basing this on general knowledge about how Java programs
> are constructed by expert developers, not specifics about Solr.
> There are others on the list who have a much better idea than I do, so
> if I'm wrong, I'm sure one of them will let me know.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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