I am working with the following indices


ItemId - string
Description - text (query on this)
Categories - Multivalued text (query on this)
Sellers - Multivalued text (query on this)
SellersString - Multivalued string (Need to facet and filter on this)


ContractItemId - string
ItemId - string
ContractCode - string (facet and filter on this)
Priority -  integer (order by priority descending)
Active - boolean (filter on this)

Say someone is searching for colgate

I am doing two queries:

First query: q = {!join from=ItemId to=ItemId
fromIndex=Item)(Description:colgate OR Categories:colgate OR

>From the first query I get all the ItemIds and do a second query on Item
index using q=ItemId:(Id1 Id2 Id3) and generate facet on SellersString

I have to do some custom coding to retain Priority (so that I can sort on

Following are the issues I am running into:

1) Since there are a lot of Items and ContractItems, the number of Ids
becomes large and I had to increase maxBooleanClause (possible performance

2) Since I have to return a lot of items from first query, the data size
becomes very large (again a performance concern)

3) When a filter is applied on the second query, I have to adjust the facet
results of the first query

4) Overall this seems complex

Is it possible to do just one query and apply filters (if any) and get
results along with facets?

Any suggestions on simplifying this and improving performance?

Thanks in advance

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