Yeah, I thought about using markers, but then I'd have to search the the text for the markers to determine the locations. This is a clunky way of getting the results I want, and it would save two steps if Solr merely had an option to return a start/length array (of what should be highlighted) in the original string rather than returning an altered string with tags inserted.


On 9/29/2015 7:04 AM, Upayavira wrote:
You can change the strings that are inserted into the text, and could
place markers that you use to identify the start/end of highlighting
elements. Does that work?


On Mon, Sep 28, 2015, at 09:55 PM, Mark Fenbers wrote:

I have highlighting turned on in my Solr searches, but what I get back
is <em> tags surrounding the found term.  Since I use a SWT StyledText
widget to display my search results, what I really want is the offset
and length of each found term, so that I can highlight it in my own way
without HTML.  Is there a way to configure Solr to do that?  I couldn't
find it.  If not, how do I go about posting this as a feature request?


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