
Sorry if I miss the point...
Is your delete query surely okay? When you search with the delete query,
how many docs are returned.

For example :
http://SOLRSERVER:SOLRPORT/solr/collection_name/search?q=Name:".$Name."; AND

If that helps, Solr returns normal response even if there are no docs to be


2015-10-04 19:42 GMT+09:00 Arun Verma <arun.ve...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I am trying to delete document from Solr using Solr 4.7. Earlier, I was
> deleting the documents based on id which was working perfectly fine.
> However, now I am trying to delete the documents based on multiple
> attributes.
> Please find below my query which should delete a document based on two
> attributes which acts as composite key together.
> http://
> ".SOLRSERVER.":".SOLRPORT."/solr/update?stream.body=%3Cdelete%3E%3Cquery%3EName%3A".$Name."%20AND%20Version%3A".$version."%3C/query%3E%3C/delete%3E&commit=true
> Using this query, Solr is returning the response but it is not actually
> deleting the document.
> Please help me out on this.
> Kind Regards,
> *Arun Verma*

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