I agree with Hoss, is this what you are expecting ?

Indexing ...

Doc 1 :
Country: England
Region: Greater London
City: London

Doc2 :
City: Manchester

Query results

Country : England(2)
                   Region : Greater london(1)
                                     City: London(1)
                                     City: Manchester(1)

If this is what you want, then go with Hoss suggestion and use the missing
count !


On 6 October 2015 at 18:55, Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org>

> It's not entirely clear what your queries/data look like, orwhat results
> you are expecting to get back, please consider asking your question again
> with more details...
> https://wiki.apache.org/solr/UsingMailingLists
> ...in the mean time the best guess i can make is that perhaps you aren't
> familiar with the "facet.missing" request param?  try adding
> facet.missing=true to your request and see if that gives you what you are
> looking for...
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Faceting#Faceting-Thefacet.missingParameter
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Faceting#Faceting-Pivot%28DecisionTree%29Faceting
> -Hoss
> http://www.lucidworks.com/


Benedetti Alessandro
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Blog - http://alexbenedetti.blogspot.co.uk

"Tyger, tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England

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