Ah ha...   the copy field...  makes sense.
Thank You.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 10:04 AM, Upayavira <u...@odoko.co.uk> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015, at 09:54 AM, Colin Hunter wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I am working on a complex search utility with an index created via data
> > import from an extensive MySQL database.
> > There are many ways in which the index is searched. One of the utility
> > input fields searches only on a Service Name. However, if I target the
> > query as q=ServiceName:"Searched service", this only returns an exact
> > string match. If q=Searched Service, the query still returns results from
> > all indexed data.
> >
> > Is there a way to construct a query to only return results from one field
> > of a doc ?
> > I have tried setting index=false, stored=true on unwanted fields, but
> > these
> > appear to have still been returned in results.
> q=ServiceName:(Searched Service)
> That'll look in just one field.
> Remember changing indexed to false doesn't impact the stuff already in
> your index. And the reason you are likely getting all that stuff is
> because you have a copyField that copies it over into the 'text' field.
> If you'll never want to search on some fields, switch them to
> index=false, make sure you aren't doing a copyField on them, and then
> reindex.
> Upayavira


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