1. Turning on docValues for fields you are sorting, faceting on. This will
require to reindex your data
2. Try using TrieInt type field you are trying to do range search on (you
may have to fiddle with precisoinStep) to balance index size vs performance.
3. If slowness is intermittent - turn on GC logging and see if there are
any long and tune GC strategy accordingly.

-- Pushkar Raste

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 5:03 AM, Lorenzo Fundaró <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have following conf for filters and commits :
> Concurrent LFU Cache(maxSize=64, initialSize=64, minSize=57,
> acceptableSize=60, cleanupThread=false, timeDecay=true, autowarmCount=8,
>      <autoCommit>
>        <!-- Every 15 seconds -->
>        <maxTime>${solr.autoCommit.maxTime:15000}</maxTime>
>        <openSearcher>false</openSearcher>
>      </autoCommit>
>      <autoSoftCommit>
>        <!-- Every 10 minutes -->
>        <maxTime>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:600000}</maxTime>
>      </autoSoftCommit>
> and the following stats for filters:
> lookups = 3602
> hits  =  3148
> hit ratio = 0.87
> inserts = 455
> evictions = 400
> size = 63
> warmupTime = 770
> *Problem: *a lot of slow queries, for example:
> {q=*:*&tie=1.0&defType=edismax&qt=standard&
> =map&qf=&fl=pk_i,​score&start=0&sort=view_counter_i
> desc&fq={!cost=1 cache=true}type_s:Product AND is_valid_b:true&fq={!cost=50
> cache=true}in_languages_t:de&fq={!cost=99
> cache=false}(shipping_country_codes_mt: (DE OR EURO OR EUR OR ALL)) AND
> (cents_ri: [* 3000])&rows=36&wt=json} hits=3768003 status=0 QTime=1378
> I could increase the size of the filter so I would decrease the amount of
> evictions, but it seems to me this would not be solving the root problem.
> Some ideas on where/how to start for optimisation ? Is it actually normal
> that this query takes this time ?
> We have an index of ~14 million docs. 4 replicas with two cores and 1 shard
> each.
> thank you.
> --
> --
> Lorenzo Fundaro
> Backend Engineer
> E-Mail:
> Fax       + 49 - (0)30 - 25 76 08 52
> Tel        + 49 - (0)179 - 51 10 982
> DaWanda GmbH
> Windscheidstraße 18
> 10627 Berlin
> Geschäftsführer: Claudia Helming, Michael Pütz
> Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 104695 B

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