
recently I've deployed Solr 5.2.1 and I've observed the following issue:

My documents have two fields: id and text. Solr is configured to use FastVectorHighlighter (I've tried StandardHighlighter too, no difference). I've created the schema.xml, solrconfig.xml hasn't been changed in any way.

I have a following highlighting query: text:((foo AND bar) OR eggs). Let's say the documents contains only bar and eggs. Currently both of them are highlighted. However the desired behaviour is to highlight eggs only since (foo AND bar) is not true.

The query I send has following parameters:

        'fl': 'id',
        'hl': 'true',
        'hl.requireFieldMatch': 'true',
        'hl.fragListBuilder': 'single',
        'hl.fragsize': '0',
        'hl.fl': 'text',
        'hl.mergeContiguous': 'true',
        'hl.useFastVectorHighlighter': 'true',
        'hl.q': 'text:((foo AND bar) OR eggs)'

I'd like to know what should I do to make it work as expected.

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